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I should call my sister... a horse!
— Schwoz
Schwoz Schwartz
Schwoz (16)
Full Name

Schwoz Schwartz


Dr. Schwarmalensen (disguise)
Schwelvis (disguise)



Resides in


Eye Color


Hair Color



Winnie Schwartz (sister)
Larry (cousin)


Ray's Ex-Girlfriend
Sharona Shapen
Gerta (ex-girlfriend)
Halley (ex-wife)


Ray Manchester (Captain Man)
Henry Hart (Kid Danger)
Charlotte Page
Jasper Dunlop
Piper Hart
Bose O'Brian


Brad Belcher (formerly)
The Toddler
Drex Stinklebaum
Rick Twitler
Caveman army

First Appearance

Too Much Game

Last Appearance

The Fate of Danger: Part 2

Portrayed By

Michael D. Cohen

Schwoz Schwartz is a main character (recurring in the first four Seasons) on Henry Danger. He is brilliant at building technology, but he often lacks common sense.

He is portrayed by Michael D. Cohen.

Description & Personality

Schwoz is a weird, interesting human being who talks in a Yiddish/German accent. His hair sticks out and is messy (his head used to be full of hair and was longer), and often wears clothes similar to a mechanic, with a collar shirt underneath. Although he is also nice, caring, helpful, and can fix just about anything or any problem.

Schwoz used to attend college in his youth.

Powers and Abilities

  • Piloting: Schwoz has been shown to possess piloting skills, as shown in Hour of Power where he is shown to be able to fly a helicopter.
  • Hacking Intuition: In various of episodes Schwoz had been shown to be a skilled hacker like Charlotte, as shown he change the spelling from all over the internet.
  • Climbing Skills: In Space Invaders, Part 1 and Captain Mom, Schwoz was shown to be a fast and skilled wall climber as he dodge Ray's Laser blast and jumped up to his above the Elevator.
  • Engineering: Schwoz possess engineering skills, as Ray has stated that Schwoz built most of the technology that they use in the Man Cave.
  • Mechanic: Schwoz possess mechanic skills, as shown in Too Much Game, Schwoz single handedly fixed several broken things in the Man Cave, such as the auto-snacker, the spinning couch, the monitors, and the tubes.
  • Animation: Having gone to cartoon community college for 2 years, Schwoz is now brilliant at animating cartoons, as he was able to create a cartoon based on the heroes in only 2 days.
  • Medicine: He is able to create antidotes for all kinds of diseases, including green fingers.


Season 1

Season 2

Season 3

Season 4

Season 5

Schwoz is now a main character. He is absent in Thumb War, but the episode was produced in Season 4


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To view the Schwoz Schwartz gallery, click here.


  • He stole Ray's girlfriend.
  • He has a very hairy sister. He insults her often, as he said: "I should call my sister... a horse!"
  • He is the one that built the Man Cave and he is the only one who can fix everything in there.
  • It is revealed that his last name is Schwartz in My Phony Valentine.
  • His counterpart in Opposite Universe is, in Henry's words, also a freak.
  • Schwoz's portrayer Michael D. Cohen came out as transgender in a Time Magazine article in May of 2019.
  • He is the first recurring character to appear in a motion comic.
  • Schwoz has his own version of guacamole and calls it "Schwozamole".
  • Schwoz is a careless driver.
  • Schwoz feels mocked when people copy his accent, as shown in Scream Machine and episodes after that.
  • It is revealed in the episode Space Invaders, Part 1 that he has a rocket ship called "The Love Shuttle", which he made for his honeymoon if he would ever get married in which they would use it to go to the actual moon.
  • He is right-handed.
  • Although he is a recurring character, he appears in 16 episodes of Season 3 and Season 4.
    • And he is a main character starting in Season 5.
  • He seems to like Taylor Swift and her music, as in The Beat Goes On, he states that she has "a lot of catchy songs".
  • In Love Muffins, it reveled he afraid of staying outside by himself because people want to take him.
  • In Toon in For Danger, it is revealed that he went to cartoon community college for 2 years.
  • It is revealed in Back to the Danger: Part 1 that his favorite snack is worms, and he has a birthmark on his butt in the shape of Florida, next to a mole in the shape of Japan.
  • It is shown in Car Trek, that he owns an RV.
  • After he stole Ray's girlfriend prior to the start of the series, he and Ray didn't speak for 3 years, up until the events of Too Much Game.
  • As shown in Captain Man-kini, Schwoz has a helicopter.
  • In Part 1: A New Evil, it is shown that Schwoz can speak in an American accent; however doing so causes him to pass out after speaking in the accent for a certain time.
  • His first name stands for 'Pretty Mouth' where he comes from.
  • In Grand Theft Otto, it's revealed that Schwoz had cloned himself.
  • In Holey Moley, it's revealed that he's afraid of the dark.
  • In Sister Twister, Part 1, it's revealed that Schwoz has a pot of gold.
  • In Theranos Boot, it is revealed that Schwoz has a Super Ice Freezer.
  • He's the only main character to never have gotten arrested.


Hey, it's me, Schwoz, from work.
— Schwoz
Schwoz Schwartz
Full Name

Schwoz Schwartz


Guy (disguise)
Professor Schwoz (by Ray)
The Painter (disguise)
Cupid (disguise)
Ray Manchester (disguise)
Lefty Schwartz (disguise)
Calvin Skateboard (disguise)
Gene Onion (disguise)
The Toddler (disguise)
Harold Rosenschwoz (disguise)
Beans Tambourines (disguise)
Chef (by Ray)
Schwozerella (by Ray)



Resides in

Swellview (formerly)
Canada (temporarily)



Eye Color


Hair Color



Mama Schwartz (mother)
Zed (nephew)


Unnamed French woman
Two unnamed female scientists
Unnamed girlfriend
Princess Daphne


Ray Manchester (Captain Man)
Miles Macklin (AWOL)
Mika Macklin (ShoutOut)
Bose O'Brian (Brainstorm)
Chapa De Silva (Volt)
Henry Hart
Santa Claus
Charlotte Page
Jasper Dunlop
Chest Monster
Tiny Ray
Monsieur Man
Buddy Fudgers (Lil' Dynomite)


Krampus (formerly)
Rick Twitler
Drex Stinklebaum (formerly)
Danger Force Clones
Chain Gang
Jeff Bilsky
The Cell
Comet Monster

First Appearance

The Danger Force Awakens

Last Appearance

The Battle for Swellview

Portrayed By

Michael D. Cohen

Schwoz Schwartz is the deuteragonist in Danger Force. He is a continued character from Henry Danger, portrayed by Michael D. Cohen.


Several years ago, Schwoz befriended Ray Manchester, aka Captain Man, helping him in the mechanics and creation of the Man Cave, but they ended their friendship when Schwoz kissed Ray's girlfriend. He used to be a street fighting master, but after a horrible accident, he stopped being one. Schwoz would later reunite with Ray and help him on his missions with his new sidekick, Henry Hart, aka Kid Danger, whom he designed fake hair for a time after a fight against The Barber, and his other friends. Following Henry and Ray's final battle against Drex, which culminated in Kid Danger's presumed death, Schwoz joined Ray to found the Swellview Academy for the Gifted.

With the founding of SW.A.G., Schwoz assisted Ray in training the powers of the Danger Force, formed by Mika Macklin, Miles Macklin, Chapa De Silva and Bose O'Brian. Schwoz also built a new headquarters on Mountain Swellview called the Man's Nest and offered mechanical support to the Danger Force. Despite offering the technology to the team, Schwoz frequently helped his friends in their missions such as a confrontation against The Toddler and their war against The Cell. After defeating the Comet Monster and helping the Danger Force for four years, Schwoz finally abandons Ray and the Nest to start a new life with Princess Daphne.

Description & Personality

Schwoz is a weird, interesting human being who talks in a Yiddish/German accent. His hair sticks out and is messy (his head used to be full of hair and was longer), and often wears clothes similar to a mechanic, with a collared shirt underneath. He is also nice, caring, helpful, and can fix just about anything or any problem.

Powers and Abilities


  • Piloting: Schwoz has been shown to possess piloting skills, where he is able to fly a helicopter.
  • Hacking Intuition: Schwoz is a skilled hacker, as he can change the spelling of a word from all over the internet.
  • Engineering: Schwoz possesses engineering skills, as Ray has stated that Schwoz built Swellview Academy for the Gifted and the Man's Nest. He also designed and built the power suit in the episode Lil' Dynomite.
  • Mechanic: Schwoz possesses mechanical skills. He is the one that built the Man's Nest and he is the only one who can fix everything in there. Schwoz was also able to construct The Cell's evil device, although he did not understand the device's true function, which led him to modify it several times.
  • Climbing Skills: Schwoz is shown to be a fast and skilled wall climber as he somehow got into the storage room and came up from above.
  • Stealth: Schwoz has shown to make sudden appearances scaring his friends. Whenever he does this, they always ask if he has been in the same room as them the whole time, to which he replies, "I don't know".
  • Master of Disguise: Schwoz is shown to be a great master of disguises.
  • Science Knowledge: Schwoz can operate supercomputers and has extraordinary feats/skills of scientific research with the study and utilization of the field of science to produce mass inventions, conduct experimentation, and perform accurate calculations. He has vast knowledge in a variety of branches of science as well (biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, psychology, technology, geography, etc.) and use it to create anything. Schwoz once cloned himself, knows what powers the Time Jerker Time Portal, and etc.
  • Hand-to-Hand Combat: Although Schwoz is physically unable to fight on the same level as Ray or Henry, he manages to defeat the Toddler. Later, he fought the Toddler again and defeated him. Using his fighting skills, Schwoz trained the Danger Force to fight the Cain Gang.

Temporary Powers

  • Indestructibility: Like the Toddler in Toddler Invasion, Schwoz briefly had indestructibility and Super Strength after drinking Captain Man's Sweat for 45 minutes. This allowed him to defeat the Toddler and flip him in battle.


  • He is the one that built the Man's Nest and is the only one who can fix everything in there.
  • Schwoz feels mocked when people copy his accent.
  • He is right-handed.
  • His first name stands for 'Pretty Mouth', where he comes from.
  • He is the only main character without any superpowers.
  • In The Thousand Pranks War: Part I, it is revealed Schwoz created a Kid Danger wig when Captain Man and Kid Danger fought a villain named the Barber and Kid Danger lost all of his hair.
  • In Down Goes Santa: Part I, it is revealed Schwoz knows Santa because he tunes up his Sleigh with a positronic fuel injector to travel around the entire world and deliver all the kids' presents in one night. It also shows that Schwoz gets mad when Santa's reindeer are mentioned.
  • In Vidja Games, Schwoz becomes a well-known Swellview celebrity called Cupid, the angel of love.
  • In several episodes such as Say My Name, Villains' Night, Manlee Men, Mika's Musical and Uncle Hambone, Schwoz is shown to be a master of disguise.
  • He went to cartoon community college for two years.
  • In Lil' Dynomite, Schwoz revealed that he created a power suit that was supposed to give him superhuman abilities so he could go on missions with the Danger Force, but they accidentally gave it to Lil' Dynomite to save his life.
  • Schwoz was a senior in college in 1989, meaning in the present day, he must be somewhere around 50 years old.
  • In Street Fightin', it is revealed that Schwoz was top of his street fighting class, teaching the fighting style until a mysterious incident.
  • He got a girlfriend sometime between the events of Big Dynomite and Guardians of the Ponytail.
  • In Don't Go In There!, it is revealed that Schwoz placed a mini-bomb in his heart so that he would not tell anyone about his secret room.
  • He wrote his own book, "How to Build a Powers-Proof Living Room Set and Look Good Doing it".
  • He is supertaster.
  • In The Battle for Swellview, Schwoz reveals that he once sewed a head at the age of 10.


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To view the Schwoz Schwartz gallery, click here.

